Saturday 23 February 2013


This is the shot list that we are going to being using when filming our title sequence and opening scene.

Shot List

· Establishing shot of the group and séance - pan around the room
·High angle looking down at the séance
· Close up on the Ouija board letters
· Close up on the pack of cards turning over
· Close up on the bible
· Extreme close up on a extract from the bible
· Close up on the candles
· Close up on the 'illuminati' name on the  table
· Mid shot showing the back of the mysterious figure on the balcony
· Point of view shot looking down at the séance low angle looking down at the séance
· Long shot of teenagers walking to school
· Mid shot of teenagers talking
· Long shot of caretaker sweeping
· Mid shot of caretaker
· Extreme close up of caretakers illuminati symbol on his necklace

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