Tuesday 26 February 2013

Illuminati Film Draft

This is the first draft of our film Illuminati. We showed this draft to a selection of people that fitted our target audience to find out how they thought that we could improve it. The things that we needed to improve on were the music of the title sequence, we had to change the music of the title sequence because the audience that had watched our draft felt that the original music did not suit the sequence. We also had to change the shape and the size of the font on the candle, this is because the font that we had originally chosen did not suit the genre of the film as it was too basic. One of the main things that the audience picked up on was that we had left our production company logo out of the film. So when going back to edit our final piece we imported the image into final cut pro and then edited it into the beginning of the title sequence. We also made a grammar mistake in the film when the words 'Your being watched', which should have been 'You're being watched' The audience also did not like the way that this came up onto the screen so we went back and changed the transition on the words. The audience also did not like the way that the date flashed up on the screen, it originally flashed up in a white font on a black background, the audience felt that this stopped the continuity of the film. To change this we went back and instead of making the date appear on the black background we decided to keep the same white font, but this time instead of using the black background we made it slide on to the screen from the left hand side into the top left corner which helped us to improve the continuity again. 
We also had to capture some more footage after we had received our feedback because the audience felt that the film didn't have an appropriate ending to it, so we went back and re-filmed a new scene for the ending of the opening scene which was suitable for the genre and the target audience.

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