Tuesday 26 February 2013

Evaluation Task 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learn't in the progression from it to full product?

When looking back at my preliminary task and my finished film opening I can see that I have learn't a lot about how to use specific techniques to create and effect on the audience. The first area that I looked back on was my camera work. In my preliminary task I only used a small variety of shots and shot angles, but when it came to my final filming opening I realised that I needed to use a wider variety of shot types so that different effects can be created for the audience. For example in my film opening I used shots such as low angles to show that the character that was on show was scared, weak and vunerable and I also used extreme close ups to show the audience the characters facial expressions which will tell the audience exactly how the character is feeling.

The framing in any scenes/film openings is very important. When filming both my preliminary task and my film opening I had to be very careful about what the audience could and couldn't see in the shots. When filming my preliminary task I made the mistake of not checking the surrounding areas and what was on display in each shot. An example of this would be that when we was filming the audience could see walls with display boards and pieces of work on them. The mistake that I made was that i didn't think about the rule of thirds on the camera and the postioning of the main actors aswell. In my preliminary task our main actors where not positioned in the centre of the shot which mean't that the framing of the scene was not very good. After this I learn't that for my final film opening I had to be very careful with my framing to ensure that the main actors where positioned in the centre of the shot and also had to make sure that the surrounding areas of the shot were suitable for genre of the film.

1 comment:

  1. You need to include more editing terminology in this answer Harry. Eg 180 degree rule, eyeline match etc.
