Friday 1 March 2013

Evaluation 2 - How does your media product represent particular social groups


The images above are both of teenagers that are in films. On the left hand side are the actors that we have used in our film Illuminati and on the right hand side are actors Hayden Panettiere and Emma Roberts. The two images represent the social group of teenagers. Both images have many similarities and differences. One of the most noticeable features of both groups is the clothes that they are wearing. This is stereotypical as it shows all of the actors in the images are wearing rather new/fashionable clothes. it is stereotypical of teenagers to follow the latest trends and fashion. Another stereotypical feature that is very noticeable is that all of the characters shown in both images have styled there hair which is a very stereotypical thing for teenagers to do as they will want to appear as fashionable and stylish to everybody.

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