Thursday 20 December 2012

Quantom of Solace Notes/Timings

Quantum Of Solace Notes
0.01 - Film soundtrack begins to play before anything else appears on the screen
0.03 - Reflection of James Bond in the distance appears
0.04 - Zooms in on image of James Bond
0.05 - Image shows James Bond standing facing the sun
0.06 - Names of the films presenter appear in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, Big, clear font
0.09 - Image on James Bond in the centre of the screen, drawing his weapons from his pocket
0.10 - Long shot of James Bond with a clear dark coloured background, Characters name appears in Big, clear font on the right hand side on the screen
0.14 - Close up of James Bonds face with the characters film name appearing underneath his head, font is consistant throughout
0.16 - Mid shot of gun being fired as the first name of the film crew appears

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