Thursday 20 December 2012

Film Research- Catch A Fire

Catch A Fire
The director of the film “Catch a Fire” is Phillip Noyce. Other films that he directed are “Salt”, “The Bone Collector” and “Patriot Games”.
The main actors of the film “Catch a Fire” are Derek Luke, Tim Robbins and Bonnie Henna.
On its opening weekend, the film made $2,026,997, it was shown on 1306 screens across USA.
The budget of the film was $14 million.
It has been nominated for 4 awards; these awards are the best actor, Outstanding motion picture, Top independent films and Best actor in motion picture, drama. The film won an award for being Top Independent Film.
The film was released onto cinema screens on the 23rd of March 2007 in the UK.  It was released on dvd on the 16th of July 2007.
The film is a dramatic thriller about activist’s apartheid in South Africa.

Working Film Title

Working Title Films is a British film production company that is based in London.  The company was founded by Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in the late 1960’s. Working Title Films produces feature films and some television productions. The co-owners of the company are Eric Fellner and Tim Bevan. In 1999 Working Title Films signed a deal with Universal Studios which was worth $600 million. In 2004 the company made a profit of £17.7 million. Since 2007 all of the films they have produced have been distributed by Universal Pictures. Universal pictures own a 67% stake in the company.

Quantom of Solace Notes/Timings

Quantum Of Solace Notes
0.01 - Film soundtrack begins to play before anything else appears on the screen
0.03 - Reflection of James Bond in the distance appears
0.04 - Zooms in on image of James Bond
0.05 - Image shows James Bond standing facing the sun
0.06 - Names of the films presenter appear in the bottom left hand corner of the screen, Big, clear font
0.09 - Image on James Bond in the centre of the screen, drawing his weapons from his pocket
0.10 - Long shot of James Bond with a clear dark coloured background, Characters name appears in Big, clear font on the right hand side on the screen
0.14 - Close up of James Bonds face with the characters film name appearing underneath his head, font is consistant throughout
0.16 - Mid shot of gun being fired as the first name of the film crew appears


Media Questionnaire

1)      What is your favourite genre of film?

2)      What is your preferred way of watching films? (Cinema, DVD, Internet)

3)      How often do you go to the cinema?

4)      How much money do you spend on average a month on Dvds, going to the cinema etc?

5)      What specifically draws you towards the films that you go to watch?

6)      Who is your favourite actor/actress?

7)      What do you like about them?

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Questionnaire Answers

Media Questionnaire
Person Number 1
1)      What is your favourite genre of film?
      A) Comedy

2)      What is your preferred way of watching films? (Cinema, DVD, Internet)

A)  Cinema

3)      How often do you go to the cinema?

      A)  5-6 Times a year
4)      How much money do you spend on average a month on Dvds, going to the cinema etc?

A)  £15

5)      What specifically draws you towards the films that you go to watch?

A)  Good trailers and big name actors

6)      Who is your favourite actor/actress?

A) Johnny Knoxville

7)      What do you like about them?

A) Hes funny and does stupid things

Media Questionnaire

1)      What is your favourite genre of film?

A) Comedy

2)      What is your preferred way of watching films? (Cinema, DVD, Internet)
A) Cinema
3)      How often do you go to the cinema?

A) 1-2 a year

4)      How much money do you spend on average a month on Dvds, going to the cinema etc?

A) £5

5)      What specifically draws you towards the films that you go to watch?

A) Good/intersting trailer

6)      Who is your favourite actor/actress?
A) Scarlett Johanson
7)      What do you like about them?

A) Good looking & Funny

Media Questionnaire
Person Number 3

1)      What is your favourite genre of film?

A) Action

2)      What is your preferred way of watching films? (Cinema, DVD, Internet)

A) Cinema/DVD

3)      How often do you go to the cinema?

A) 1-2 times a month

4)      How much money do you spend on average a month on Dvds, going to the cinema etc?

A) £10-15

5)      What specifically draws you towards the films that you go to watch?

A) Trailers and word of mouth

6)      Who is your favourite actor/actress?

A) Brad Pitt

7)      What do you like about them?

A) Good looking and successful

Media Questionnaire
Person Number 4

1)      What is your favourite genre of film?

A) Action/War Films

2)      What is your preferred way of watching films? (Cinema, DVD, Internet)

A) Cinema

3)      How often do you go to the cinema?

A) 4-5 times a year

4)      How much money do you spend on average a month on Dvds, going to the cinema etc?

A) £5-10

5)      What specifically draws you towards the films that you go to watch?

A) Interesting trailers and favourite actors/actress's

6)      Who is your favourite actor/actress?

A) Vin Diesil

7)      What do you like about them?

A) Stereotypical hero in action/racing films and very successful

Media Questionnaire
Person Number 5

1)      What is your favourite genre of film?

A) War Films

2)      What is your preferred way of watching films? (Cinema, DVD, Internet)


3)      How often do you go to the cinema?

A) 2-3 times a year

4)      How much money do you spend on average a month on Dvds, going to the cinema etc?

A) £5-10

5)      What specifically draws you towards the films that you go to watch?

A) Favourite actors and good trailer

6)      Who is your favourite actor/actress?

A) Jason Statham

7)      What do you like about them?

A) Very good actor, very successful.

Target Audience

The target audience for our film 'Illuminati' is 15-26 for both males and females. The reason that we decided to make our film a certificate 15 is because of the paranormal activities the take place in the film. We chose to aim it at a mixed gender target audience because we felt that the film did not inlcude any stereotypcial features that would make it become a film aimed at males or females individually. We decided to put are film age certificate at a 15 and not an 18 because of the limited amounts of adults themes, the limited amounts of violence and also because there is no sexual references throughout the film.

Male and Female
Limited Money
Part time Jobs
Illegal downlaods
In a relationship
Non compulsory education or Recently left


We chose to base the seyonce scene of our filmin the drama studio. We done this because it is an easily accessable area and it has all of the correct features that we need, such as the balcony where the caretaker is going to be watching the students from. The room is also a dark area which suits the genre of the film and is a very stereotypcial convention of a horror/thriller film.


We chose the surroundings because the images outside of the school show a different setting to the school which shows that it is going to be set in more than one place and we chose the corridor for one of our settings because it is close to the drama studio and the symbol and seyonce can be linked in.


Monday 17 December 2012

Risk Assessment

Fire Hazards- Candles being knocked over

Trip Hazards- The stairs of the drama room,
                      Balcony- things on the floor
                      Curtainsof the main stage in the room
                      Slippery floor

To prevent these hazards i will ensure that anyone who is acting in the film is aware of all hazards and i will also explain to everyone how they can be prevented. I will also be making sure that they are safe around all of the dangered areas.