Thursday 22 November 2012

Genre Conventions in Thriller/Horror Films

When A Stranger Calls

Sound: Phone call at the beginning of the extract between a girl and a man - dialogue. The man hangs up, leaves the girl sounding worried and scared which also makes the audience fear for the girl. There is high pitched screaming towards the end of the extract, which is the girl when she is being attacked. This connotes that the film could be about someone murdering large numbers of people. There is also a women repeatedly shouting her childrens names. This shows that she cannot find them and makes the audience begin to worry for the children.  

Mise En Scene: Fair ground, showing little kids smiling and happy when the girl is being attacked in her room which is confusing for the audience because it is juxtaposing what is going on.

Narrative: From this extract we get the idea that the film is going to be about man that is going round murdering people. We learn this from the long shot of the characters shadow in the girls bedroom window just before he attacks her.

Characters: Shadow of the man in the girls window, black figure represents that he is going to be the evil character in this film. Police men are all in uniform and they are all white american males. This is stereotypical as it represents them as being the heroic characters.

Cinematography: Shakey camera emphasizesthe uncertainty of the film which helps to make it fit the genre of the film. Close up of the policeman's face shows that he is disgusted at what the murderer has done to this young girl.

Editing: Fast, jumpy cuts disorientates the audience and confuses them because there is lots of information being displayed on the screen in a short space of time.


Mise en Scene: Dark, thunderstorms, rain builds up suspense for the audience because they cannot see a lot on the screen.

Narrative: The main character is a thrill seeker/ghost hunter who travels around in attempt to find the scariest and most haunted places.

Characters: The couple in the hotel come across as strange at first, as they do not stop talking when the main character is trying to get the keys to his room.  The main character is a brave, white american male, these are the stereotypical features of a hero. Old couple explain to the main character the history of the hotel and that it is haunted. They also tell the character that a women hung herself in the hotel. This creates tension for the audience because it makes them question why the man is staying at the hotel in the first place.

Sound: There is non-diegetic sound added in,in the background. This sound is a deep mysterious type of music which adds to the tension for the audience.

Editing: The editing in this extract is non -continuity editing.

Cinematography: Close up of cigarette shows that it is going to have some significance in the film and that it could be an important prop later on. Ellipses when the main character is sitting down in the chair drinking, then he is walking around in the room. Shows that he is attempting to stay awake to try and find out if the room is haunted or not.

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